We love parents getting involved in the life of the school.
The mid-summer mailing to all enrolled families provides details about the many opportunities where parents can become involved as outlined below, from a one time commitment—to weekly—to planning our big events! We encourage parents to be an active part of our school family. Your children are so proud when they see you in school. If you have any questions, email Jennifer Mitchell at jennifer.mitchell@good-samaritan.org.
Social Gatherings
Family picnics are held for all classes in the fall and spring. Each class selects a park or a parent's home for this gathering. Parents sign up to bring food or paper products. Siblings are welcome to attend.
Open House
Each fall, the Day School holds an Open House. Parents are encouraged to visit classrooms, chat with staff members, and meet other parents. Details for this event are announced in the monthly newsletter.
Christmas Chapel
Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to participate in the children's Christmas Chapel services. Children in all classes help tell the story of the birth of Jesus through songs, readings, and dramatizations. The December newsletter will provide dates and times for chapel services.
Bible Study/Pilates
Join other moms on Wednesday mornings 9 – 10:30 am for a variety of programs from Bible studies to pilates.
Monitor Parents
Parents serve as monitors every day—distributing water, helping with transitioning classes to and from Specials, organizing educational materials, and assisting with classroom projects. In addition to providing valuable assistance to the school, the Monitor Parent Program permits mothers, fathers, or caregivers to spend time in the school. Children love to see their parents helping at school. During orientation, parents are encouraged to commit to serve as monitors for one or two days each semester. The monthly newsletter includes the names of parents scheduled to serve as Monitor Parents for each school day. A reminder is also emailed through Sign-up Genius.
Throughout the year, the Day School holds a variety of fundraising events through the extraordinary efforts of dedicated volunteers. These fundraisers are an important aspect of maintaining a financially healthy school. Let us know if you are interested in serving as a volunteer for one or more of these fundraisers. Not only would your time be used for a good cause, it is also fun and a great opportunity to get to know other parents in the school. Some of these require no extra time—we know many of our parents cannot fit more into their schedules! If you have any questions, email Jennifer Mitchell at jennifer.mitchell@good-samaritan.org.
Pretzel Wednesdays. Every Wednesday, soft pretzels from the Philadelphia Pretzel Factory and other grab and go items are sold at the entrance to the school. The children look forward to "Pretzel Day." Hot dogs, fruit pouches, Go-gurt, water, and juice complete our weekly menu. Children who stay for afternoon programs can pre-order and have the lunches delivered to their afternoon room. Forms are sent home in August. A $50 donation entitles your family to be the "Pretzel Sponsor" for a week—receiving a free lunch and an assigned parking spot near the school entrance for one week! Sign up in the main office to be a "Pretzel Sponsor."
Dine to Donate. Each month an area restaurant hosts our school and contributes a portion of sales directly to the Day School. Skip meal prep for a night, enjoy a good meal, and the Day School receives funding for special projects.
Spring Fundraiser with Silent Auction. This adult-only event is a great opportunity to socialize while raising money for improvements at school. Many volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Please consider joining the planning committee for this fabulous event (a great way to meet other parents). Make sure it is on your calendar to attend!
Twice is Nice. Our popular bi-annual consignment sale held in September and February provides a great opportunity to sell and purchase gently-used toys, games, books, sports equipment, children's clothing, and more! Consignors volunteer time to assist staffing the sale and receive 75 percent from their sales and 25 percent goes to the school. It is a great place to do some bargain shopping or to consign your own things and make some money while cleaning out your closets. Donations are always welcome.