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Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord. Giving is the natural, thankful response of offering back to God a portion of what he has provided for us.

Ways to Give

Give Online

Give with your online Realm account. Your account allows you to make online donations and review your giving for the current and prior year. Set up one-time or recurring giving by credit/debit card or by ACH (deduction from bank account, which incurs lower fees for the church).

If you need assistance with setting up online giving, email Betsy Wolford, Financial Administrator. To connect with her by phone, call 610.644.4040, ext 214. Betsy is also available for scheduled appointments Monday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm.


The easiest way to give with cash or check is during the offertory at our worship services. Enclose your offering in a “Give” envelope found in the church pews. If desiring to give to another fund other than the general operating budget, indicate by checking the desired fund allocation on the envelope. To request personalized “Give” envelopes, please email Betsy Wolford, Financial Administrator.

Stock Gifts

If you are interested in gifts of appreciated stock, please download this guide listing information we would need from you and your broker.

Pledge Commitments

In the fall of each year, we have an opportunity to make a pledge for giving for the coming year. Pledges help the church staff and finance committee plan its annual budget wisely, celebrating the gifts God has given to support and grow the ministries here at The Church of the Good Samaritan.

Planned Giving

Have you considered Good Samaritan in your estate planning? Just as we give a proportion of what we earn to support the ministry of the church, would you consider leaving a similar proportion of your estate? Apart from direct legacies, there are all sorts of creative ways in which you can plan your estate. Please email Betsy Wolford, Financial Administrator, for more information.

Budget Update

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Annual Report 2024

Review our parish report summarizing our income and expenses for the previous year.