
The Heart of Prayer / Week 1

There are a few things in our Christian life that we know we should do more, or at least better—and prayer just might top the list. But lack of time, inspiration, and discipline, combined with the ruthless tyranny of our busy lives, push prayer to the periphery, to the “one day I’ll get to it” pile. And yet, we can excel at what we endeavor to undertake. So, why isn’t prayer more of a spiritual priority? Could we develop a mindset around prayer that makes it attractive, inspiring, even maybe delightful? What if we attuned our spiritual ears to listen to God, and our spiritual eyes to see his provision? As unassuming students alongside us, Jonah and Stephanie humbly offer to share the little they have learned from others about the joy of prayer. In this five-week series, they will share theology, practical tips, and useful resources, as we encourage each other and, together, learn to pray.